Magic: The Gathering | [Standard] Mono-Red Snow Aggro – Deck Guide | Panasavv

Magic: The Gathering | [Standard] RG Adventures Deck Guide | Panasavv

Magic: The Gathering | [Historic] UW Control Deck Guide | Panasavv

Hearthstone | Scholomance Academy: Budget Decks | Cursed

Magic: The Gathering | [Historic] Μαθήματα Ιστορίας & Προτεινόμενες Λίστες Καρτών | Titan

Magic: The Gathering | Budget Deck Lists (Mono-Colored) | Panasavv

Magic: The Gathering | [Standard] Temur Adventures : Ο Απλός Οδηγός | Titan

Magic: The Gathering | [Standard] Meta Report – Μάιος | Panasavv

Magic: The Gathering | [Standard] Jeskai Fires: Σαν να (μην) πέρασε μια μέρα | Titan

Magic: The Gathering | [Standard] Current META Decks, για να δοκιμάσετε! | Ryo